How to Find the Right Public Adjuster

Miami Property Damage Insurance Claims Adjuster

Have you or someone you know recently suffered property damage? Are you planning on dealing with the insurance company on your own? Read on to learn how to find the right public adjuster.

Most people assume that the insurance company will give them the best settlement, but that is far from the truth. Insurers tend to lowball claimants to save their employer money.

If you recently were affected by a disaster that damaged your property and want to get the best settlement possible, you will want to continue reading on below. This brief article will go over what public adjusters are and where you can go to hire one today.

What Is a Public Adjuster?

public adjuster is someone that you can hire to handle your insurance claims. Whenever you go through a normal claims process through your insurer, they will assign you an adjuster with no cost to you.

A public adjuster has no relation to your insurance company, and they usually charge up to 15% of your insurance settlement. That 15% will cover their service fees.

Why Hire a Public Claims Adjuster?

It is always good to hire your own public claims adjuster because they are knowledgeable about policy language.

They also have experience handling insurance claims, and they use sophisticated software to perform their own evaluation of your property. It is ideal to hire a public claims adjuster because they can offer you a second opinion on what your insurance company is wanting to offer.

How to Choose a Public Adjuster

When choosing a public adjuster, make sure to avoid any adjusters who pressure you into hiring them. Make sure that you also read your contract carefully before you sign anything.

A good public adjuster will be knowledgeable in public adjusting and should explain the entire process to you. They should also have the proper qualifications needed to do their job.

You can always check your adjuster’s record from your state’s insurance department. Getting recommendations from friends and family is also a great way to go before you settle on a public adjuster.

Most public adjusters handle the entirety of the claims process for you, but if you want to have some involvement, make sure you let them know. It is vital to work with an adjuster who is okay with communicating with you throughout the claims process.

Finding the Right Fit

It is always important to ask the company that you want to hire questions to make sure you feel comfortable hiring them. You can ask them what kind of public claims do they handle.

Some public adjusters have experience in auto accidents, house losses, company damage, and more. Make sure that you are hiring the best public adjuster for what your situation is calling for.

How Much Are Public Adjusters?

As stated earlier, most public adjusters will charge up to 15% of your insurance settlement, but that can vary. Public adjusters who do not have a lot of experience may charge less, while those who are more experienced can charge more.

In the state of Florida, public adjusters are not allowed to charge fees over 20%. If there is damage to your property resulting from a natural disaster named a state of emergency, they cannot collect more than 10%. Make sure that you are wary of adjusters who travel and go door-to-door after a major event.

Some public adjusters cap their fees by the dollar amount instead of by a percentage. For example, your adjuster may only collect $10,000 from your $200,000 claim instead of the usual 10% they may take.

Should I Hire a Lawyer?

It is definitely up to you to hire an attorney, but if you decided to hire your own public adjuster, you might not need to.

Your public adjuster is well versed in assessing property damage, creating a cost estimate, and negotiating with insurance companies. If you hire a lawyer, your lawyer may end up hiring a public adjuster anyway to investigate the claim.

Hiring a public adjuster in the first place can cut out the cost of the attorney and the cost of the public adjuster that your attorney was going to hire anyway. When you hire your own public adjuster, you can also cut the time that it would take to complete a claim with an attorney.

When to Hire a Public Adjuster

You should hire a public adjuster after contacting your insurance company. Your insurance policy requires you to contact them first in the event of an incident.

If you are not satisfied with what your insurance company is offering you in their cost estimate, you should then reach out to a public adjuster to review and make their estimate.

Focus on Reconstruction

Going through a claim with your insurance company can be stressful, so it is best to hire a public adjuster to help alleviate that for you. They will handle the claim while you focus on reconstructing your life and concentrate on your daily life. Your public adjuster will be able to negotiate the money that you are entitled to.

Miami Public Adjusters

If you or someone you know recently underwent a disaster, you will want to speak with a specialist. Some public adjusters can be predatory, especially when you are at your most vulnerable state after going through a loss.

It is essential to partner with a trustworthy public adjuster who has your best interest in mind. Contact us for a free consultation if you are looking for a “public adjuster near me” or want more information on public adjusting.

We here at Platinum Public Adjusters will help you receive the maximum settlement possible for your claim.

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